One Yellow Rabbit, High Performance Rodeo
A One Yellow Rabbit Salon
Jan. 26 - Jan. 27 2024

Sat 27 Jan. 9:00PM
60 minutes
The Big Secret Theatre, Arts Commons
$49 (including fees and taxes)
for ages 18+
Created and Performed by Denise Clarke
With Special Guest: Andy Curtis
Directed by Blake Brooker
Stage Management
Serena Lemire
Technical Direction
Dylan Bauer
Thanks to The BeautifulYoungArtists, Erin Thrall, Daniela Vlaskalic, Leslie Lester, Dewi Wood
Music: Listen Here by Eddie Harris
Beethoven String Quartet #15 in A Minor performed by Takács Quartet
Everyday I Have the Blues by Count Basie and Joe Williams
Acknowledgment: Between Augustine and Derrida: Reading T.S. Eliot's Poetry of Exile by
Kinereth Myer
Definition: Salon (noun)
1) A gathering of elegant people.
2) A room of elegant design.
3) A gathering of people of stylish or intellectual distinction.
Denise likes the sound of that, and welcomes you to join her and her guests for just such an occasion of fun, performance and intentional thoughts.
Simple, precise, relaxed. Honest experiences create the most memorable art. Denise has offered us a Salon. We will join her there and be reminded of the power of live performance, and the joy of coming together in discovery and invention - Oliver Armstrong, Producer